
How To Trade From Platinum To Heartgold


Recovery | Power Enhancers | Agree Items | Miscellaneous | Pokeballs | Post | Key Items

Recovery Items
Name Description Location
Wellness Recovery
Potion Restores 20HP Most PokeMarts, Route 1, Viridian City, Viridian Woods, Mt. Moon
Super Potion Restores 50HP PokeMarts, South.S. Anne, Celadon MegaMart, Rocket Hideout
Hyper Potion Restores 200HP PokeMarts, Rocket Hideout, Silph Co.
Max Potion Restores all HP PokeMarts, Safari Zone, Power Institute, Pokemon Mansion, Island Vi
Full Restore Restores all HP and cures all status ailments Indigo Plateau, Safari Zone, Pokemon Mansion, Island Iii, Icefall Cave, Island Six, Cerulean Cave
Fresh H2o Recovers 50HP Celadon MegaMart Roof, Isle Two
Soda Pop Recovers 80HP Celadon MegaMart Roof, Island Two
Lemonade Restores 80HP Celadon MegaMart Roof, Island Ii
Moo Moo Milk Restores 100HP Isle 2
Energy Root Restores 200HP; Has a biting taste Cerulean Metropolis
Energypowder Restores 50HP; Has a bitter gustatory modality Cerulean City
Drupe Juice Restores 20HP Wild Shuckle
Sacred Ash Fully restores all Pokemon'south HP and PP, and removes all status ailments Navel Rock subsequently battling Ho-oh (Utilise Itemfinder)
Ether Restores 10PP of one move Route ii, S.Southward. Anne, Celadon City, Kindle Road
Max Ether Restores all PP to one motion Stone Tunnel, Rocket Hideout, Berry Woods
Elixir Restores 10PP to each move Pokemon Tower, Power Plant, Island Six Water Path
Max Elixir Restores all PP to all moves Berry Woods, Sevault Canyon, Cerulean Cave
Revival Herb Recovers a fainted Pokemon; Has a biting sense of taste Cerulean Urban center
Revive Recovers a fainted Pokemon to one-half max HP PokeMarts, Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel, Celadon MegaMart, Seafoam Islands, Island Two
Max Revive Revives a fainted Pokemon to max HP Silph. Co, Safari Zone, Victory Road, Cerulean Cave
Condition Recovery
Antitoxin Cures Poison PokeMarts, Viridian Forest, Mt. Moon, Celadon MegaMart
Awakening Cures Sleep PokeMarts, Route 11, Pokemon Tower, Celadon MegaMart
Burn down Heal Cures Burn PokeMarts, Route ix, Celadon MegaMart
Ice Heal Cures Freeze Celadon MegaMart, Seafoam Islands
Paralyz Heal Cures Paralysis PokeMarts, Route 2, Mt. Moon, Celadon MegaMart
Full Heal Cures all status ailments PokeMarts, Silph Co., Drupe Wood, Victory Road
Lava Cookie Cures all status ailments Island Two
Heal Powder Cures all condition ailments; Has a bitter taste Cerulean Metropolis

Ability Enhancers
Name Description Location
Stat Raisers
Calcium Raises Special Attack Cerulean Urban center, Celadon MegaMart, Rocket Hideout, Silph Co., Pokemon Mansion
Carbos Raises Speed Cerulean Urban center, Celadon MegaMart, Silph Co., Pokemon Mansion, Kindle Route
HP Upwards Raises max HP Celadon City, Celadon MegaMart, Silph Co., Pokemon Mansion, Island Half dozen
Iron Raises Defence force Celadon City, Celadon MegaMart, Silph Co., Route 12, Pokemon Mansion
PP Max Increases the max PP of a move to max Celadon City, Island Ii (About the Waterfall - Use Itemfinder)
PP Upwards Increases the max PP of a move Cerulean City, Island Five, H2o Path, Cerulean Cave
Protein Raises Assault Cerulean City, Celadon MegaMart, Silph Co., Safari Zone, Pokemon Mansion
Rare Processed Raises a Pokemon's level by ane Mt. Moon, Pokemon Tower, Rocket Hideout, Silph Co., Fuchsia City, Victory Road, Lost Cave
Zinc Raises Special Defense Cerulean City, Celadon MegaMart, Silph Co., Pokemon Mansion, Three Island
Battle Enhancers
Dire Striking Raises chances of a Critical Hit in battle Celadon MegaMart, Mt. Ember
Baby-sit Spec Prevents stat reduction in a battle Celadon MegaMart, Victory Road
X Accuracy Raises accuracy in a battle Pokemon Tower, Celadon MegaMart
Ten Assault Raises set on in a battle S.S Anne, Celadon MegaMart
X Defend Raises defense in a battle Route 11, Celadon MegaMart
X Special Raises special assault in a battle Celadon MegaMart, Silph Co.
10 Speed Raises speed in a battle Celadon MegaMart, Rocket Hideout

Hold Items
Name Description Location
Battle Related
Amulet Coin Doubles budgetary earnings from battles Route 16 (40 Pokemon in Pokedex required)
Blackness Belt Boosts Fighting-blazon attacks Thief from Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan belonging to Beat out Kin on Route 15
Blackglasses Boosts Dark-type attacks Team Rocket Hideout
Vivid Powder Lowers opponent'south accurateness Trade from RSE
Charcoal Boosts Fire-blazon attacks Celadon City Game Corner (m Coins)
Choice Band Boosts one assault, but prevents use of any others Trade from RSE
Cleanse Tag Reduces wild Pokemon encounters Pokemon Tower
Deepseascale Doubles Clamperl's Special Defence; Evolves Clamperl into Gorebyss when traded Trade from RSE
Deepseatooth Doubles Clamperl's Special Attack; Evolves Clamperl into Huntail when traded Trade from RSE
Dragon Fang Boosts Dragon-blazon attacks Wild Dratini, Dragonair
Dragon Scale Evolves Seadra when traded Water Path
Everstone Prevents development Route 10 (Stone Tunnel Pokemon Heart, twenty Pokemon in Pokedex required)
Exp Share Recieves one-half of the earn EXP even if information technology is not sent into battle Route 15 (fifty Pokemon in Pokedex required)
Focus Band Sometimes prevents fainting Wild Machoke
Hard Rock Boosts Rock-type attacks Wild Graveler/Onix
King's Rock May cause boosted flinching Sevault Canyon
Lax Incense Reduces the opponent's accurateness; Use it to brood for Wynaut Lost Cave
Leftovers Recovers i/16th HP each plow Route 12 and Route 16 (Snorlax'due south spot - Apply Itemfinder)
Light Ball Doubles Pikachu'south Special Attack Trade from RSE
Lucky Egg Increases the amount of feel earned Wild Chansey
Lucky Punch Raises Chansey'southward Critical Hit Ratio Sevault Coulee
Macho Caryatid Doubles Effort Points earned, merely lowers speed Viridian Gym (Giovanni's spot - Utilize Itemfinder)
Magnet Boosts Electric-type attacks Wild Magneton
Mental Herb Cures allure Trade from RSE
Metal Glaze Boosts Steel-type attacks Memorial Pillar
Metal Powder Raises Ditto'southward Defence Wild Ditto
Miracle Seed Boosts Grass-blazon attacks Celadon Metropolis Game Corner (1000 Coins)
Mystic Water Boosts Water-type attacks Celadon City Game Corner (1000 Coins)
Nevermeltice Boosts Ice-blazon attacks Icefall Cavern
Poison Barb Boosts Toxicant-type attacks Wild Arbok
Quick Claw Pokemon property it may set on first Safari Zone
Scope Lens Raises chances for a disquisitional hit Trade from RSE
Sea Incense Boosts Water-type attacks Lost Cave
Sharp Beak Boosts Flying-type attacks Wild Fearow
Beat Bong Recovers HP depending on the impairment caused Trade from RSE
Silk Scarf Boosts Normal-type attacks Lost Cave
Silverpowder Boosts Bug-type attacks Wild Venomoth
Smoke Ball Flees from wild Pokemon Celadon Game Corner (800 Coins)
Soft Sand Boosts Basis-type attacks Wild Sandslash
Soothe Bell Pokemon's happiness raises faster Pokemon Belfry (Mr. Fuji'south spot - Apply Itemfinder)
Soul Dew Raises Latios' and Latias' Special Attack and Special Defense Trade from RSE
Spell Tag Boosts Ghost-blazon attacks Wild Haunter
Stick Raises Farfetch'd's Critical Hit ratio Vermilion City (Trade Farfetch'd)
Thick Society Doubles Cubone and Marowak's Assault Wild Cubone and Marowak
Twistedspoon Boosts Psychic-type attacks Wild Abra and Kadabra
White Herb Restores lowered stats to original Trade from RSE
Contest Scarfs
Blueish Scarf Raises Dazzler Trade from RSE
Green Scarf Raises Smartness Trade from RSE
Pink Scarf Raises Cuteness Trade from RSE
Red Scarf Raises Coolness Trade from RSE
Xanthous Scarf Raises Toughness Trade from RSE

Name Clarification Location
Black Flute Reduces wild Pokemon encounters Trade from RSE
Blue Flute Cures Sleep Trade from RSE
Red Flute Cures Allure Trade from RSE
White Flute Increases wild Pokemon encounters Trade from RSE
Yellow Flute Cures Confusion Celadon City Game Corner (1600 Coins)
Moon Stone Evolves Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Nidorina, Nidorino and Skitty Mt. Moon, Rocket Hideout, Wild Clefairy
Burn Stone Evolves Eevee, Growlithe and Vulpix Celadon MegaMart
Leaf Rock Evolves Exeggcute, Gloom, Nuzleaf and Weepinbell Celadon MegaMart, Safari Zone
Thunderstone Evolves Eevee and Pikachu Celadon MegaMart, Power Establish
Sun Stone Evolves Gloom and Sunkern Ruin Valley
Water Stone Evolves Eevee, Lombre, Poliwag, Shellder and Staryu Celadon MegaMart, Seafoam Islands
Upgrade Evolves Porygon Rocket Warehouse
Blue Shard Trade for the Water Rock with the Treasure Hunter (Road 124) Trade from RSE
Green Shard Trade for the Leaf Stone with the Treasure Hunter (Route 124) Trade from RSE
Cherry-red Shard Trade for the Fire Stone with the Treasure Hunter (Route 124) Trade from RSE
Xanthous Shard Trade for the Thunderstone with the Treasure Hunter (Route 124) Merchandise from RSE
Escape Rope Escape from the electric current cavern PokeMarts, Mt. Moon, Stone Tunnel, Pokemon Tower, Rocket Hideout, Silph Co., Pokemon Mansion
Fluffy Tail Escape from a wild Pokemon battle Trade from RSE
Pokedoll Escape from a wild Pokemon boxing Celadon MegaMart
Shoal Table salt Utilise to brand a Shell Bong Trade from RSE
Shoal Vanquish Utilise to make a Shell Bell Trade from RSE
Max Repel Repels weaker Pokemon for 250 steps Indigo Plateau, Kindle Road
Repel Repels weaker Pokemon for 100 steps PokeMarts, Rock Tunnel
Super Repel Repels weaker Pokemon for 200 steps PokeMarts, Celadon MegaMart
Large Pearl Sell for money Wild Shellder, Seafoam Islands, Rocket Warehouse
Big Mushroom Sell for money or give to Move Rememberer Wild Paras, Parasect
Heart Scale Sell for money Trade from RSE
Nugget Sell for money Route 24, Pokemon Tower, Safari Zone, Cerulean Cave, Sevault Canyon
Pearl Sell for money Wild Shellder, Rock Tunnel, Rocket Warehouse
Star Slice Sell for money Mt. Moon, Four Island, Wild Staryu
Stardust Sell for coin S.S. Anne, Cinnabar Island (Trade Tangela), Island Four, Wild Staryu
Tinymushroom Sell for money or requite to Move Rememberer Wild Paras, Parasect

Proper name Description Location
Pokeball Catches Pokemon Most PokeMarts
Great Brawl Greater chance of catching Pokemon than a Pokeball Most PokeMarts
Ultra Ball Greater run a risk of catching Pokemon than a Great Ball Almost PokeMarts
Master Ball Always catches Pokemon Silph Co.
Swoop Brawl Greater chance of communicable underwater Pokemon Unknown
Luxury Ball Pokemon caught will like you more Island 5 (Lady Selphy)
Nest Ball Greater risk of catching Pokemon the lower its level Island half-dozen
Net Ball Greater chance of communicable Water and Issues Pokemon Route 12 (Super Rod Guy)
Premier Ball Catches Pokemon Unknown
Repeat Ball Greater hazard of catching a Pokemon that y'all have already caught Two Island
Safari Ball A special ball for utilise in the Safari Zone Safari Zone
Timer Brawl Greater chance of communicable Pokemon the longer the battle lasts Two Island

Proper noun Description Location
Dewdrop Mail Image of your current Pokemon Merchandise from RS
Dream Mail Purple coloured mail Island Half-dozen
Glitter Mail Image of Pikachu Merchandise from RS
Gorgeous Mail Pink coloured post Cerulean Urban center (Trade Jynx)
Harbor Mail Image of Wingull Trade from RS
Mech Mail service Prototype of Magnemite Merchandise from RS
Orange Mail Image of Zigzagoon Trade from RS
Retro Post Multicoloured post Celadon MegaMart
Shadow Mail Image of Duskull Trade from RS
Tropic Post Prototype of Bellossom Trade from RS
Wave Mail Image of Wailmer Trade from RS
Forest Mail Image of Slakoth Trade from RS

Central Items
Name Description Location
FireRed / LeafGreen
Aurora Ticket Allows passage to Island #nine Mystery Gift at Nintendo Issue
Berry Bag Holds berries S.S. Anne (Upon finding a Drupe)
Bike Allows you to motion around the world faster Exchange with a Bike Voucher at Cerulean City Cycle Shop
Bike Voucher Substitution for a Bike Obtain from Chairman of Vermilion City Pokemon Fan Lodge
Card Key Unlocks doors at Silph Co Silph Co. 5th Flooring
Coin Case Holds 9999 Casino coins Celadon City
Dome Fossil Resurrect to become Kabuto Mt. Moon (Left)
Fame Checker Stores information from people effectually the globe Road 23
Gold Teeth Belongs to the Fuchsia Safari Warden Safari Zone
Good Rod Fish for medium-levelled h2o Pokemon Fuchsia City
Helix Fossil Resurrect to become Omanyte Mt Moon (Right)
Itemfinder Detects hidden items in close proximity Route 12
Elevator Central Allows the employ of the elevator in Team Rocket'southward Celadon Hideout Celadon Metropolis Rocket HQ
Meteorite Trade for a Moon Rock on Island #ii One Isle
Mystery Ticket Allows passage to Island #8 Mystery Gift at Nintendo Upshot
Oak's Parcel A parcel for Professor Oak Viridian Metropolis
Old Amber Resurrect to get Aerodactyl Pewter City Museum
Old Rod Fish for low-levelled h2o Pokemon Vermilion Urban center
Pokeflute Wakes up sleeping Pokemon Lavender Town
Pulverisation Jar Stores crushed berries so it tin can be turned into medicine Cerulean Metropolis
Rainbow Laissez passer Allows passage to Islands #4, #5, #6 and #7 One Island
Ruby Needed to repair Celio's Network Auto I Island Cave
Sapphire Needed to repair Celio's Network Machine 5 Island Rocket HQ
Secret Key Unlocks Cinnabar Gym Pokemon Mansion
Silph Telescopic Reveals Ghost Pokemon in Pokemon Tower Celadon City Rocket HQ
SS Ticket Allows entry to the SS Tidal Bill'southward House
Super Rod Fish for high-levelled h2o Pokemon Route 12
Tea Give to the Saffron Guards to get through Celadon Mansion
Teachy Television set The in-game tutorial and basics guide Viridian Urban center
TM Case Holds your TMs and HMs Pewter City Gym
Town Map A map of the Kanto and Rainbow Islands Region Daisy in Pallet Town
Tri Pass Allows passage to Islands #1, #2 and #3 Three Island
VS Seeker Detects trainers wishing to battle Vermilion City Pokemon Center

How To Trade From Platinum To Heartgold,


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