
Like The Golden Sun Ascending

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by Dr. Schavi Thousand. Ali, May 30, 2022,

The "Summer Solstice" in the Northern Hemisphere is on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, at approximately v:14 AM (Eastern Daylight Time).

Information technology is the longest day of the yr because our planet is at a betoken in "Her" orbit whereby the Due north Pole is at its maximum tilt towards the Sun which results in more than hours of bright sunlight as it reaches its zenith or loftier point.

In the Southern Hemisphere, June 21st marks the beginning of the winter flavour.

The term "solstice" is from the Latin word "solstitium" which is divers equally "Stopped Sun" because the Sun does not rising and set at the same places on the horizon each morning and evening.

The Sun'south rise and setting is based upon how Earth/Gaia travels effectually it during the year—in an elliptical fashion rather than circular.

The "Summer Solstice" is important because the Dominicus reaches its northernmost point in the sky at this fourth dimension, and for a brief period, the Lord's day's path does not seem to alter. Later on the solstice, the Sunday seems to reverse its class and heads back in the reverse management.

Solar events such as mid to high-powered flares (in the upper "C-Class" and "1000-Class" and about powerful "X-Class" levels ), strong solar winds (by and large higher up 500 km/due south), coronal mass ejections (CMEs—plasma filaments), co-rotating interaction regions (where fast, medium, and tiresome winds mingle and create daze waves), dumbo particle plasma pushing into our planet'southward magnetosphere, and more—volition all continue as LIGHT increases its surge and activates the vibrational frequency and amplitude of Earh/Gaia.

Today, Monday, May 30th, solar winds are traveling every bit of 03:30 Universal Time at 550.9 km/southward.

Neutron counts are rated as being "Elevated", and the "Schumann Resonance" ("Power" of vibrational frequency and amplitude is currently "45" with a "black-out" also indicated as of 09:thirty Universal Time.

Weather events in May have been strange in many places.

For example, temperatures in the Mid-Western U.s.a. accept been in the upper 80s and early 90s which are unremarkably experienced in late July and August.

Meteorologists have reported that such high temperatures this May have set records because they accept non existed since the mid 1860s!

Around the globe there have been major earthquakes (in a higher place vi.0), intense storms, tornadoes, and floods.

Energetics from the Great Central Sun (of which our planet is completing a major cycle of 208 million years, and this cycle moves in a counter-clockwise motion during which time our planet experiences thousands of years of darkness [famine, pestilence, war, etc.]and then thousands of years of LIGHT [peace, love, joy, health, abundance, etc.]), the Photon Belt (a band of intense LIGHT), the black hole "Sagittarius A" (at the heart of our galaxy—the "Milky Way"), and our solar orb itself have and volition continue to produce strong energy currents every bit June unfolds.

"Sagittarius A" is a very interesting study.

It was discovered on February 13, 1974 and is well-nigh 25,640 light years from our planet.

Blackness holes are commonly created past "super-novas" or stellar explosions.

They human activity like vacuum cleaners which can suck-upwards anything that approaches it.

Yet, "Sagittarius A", instead of existence a "vacuum cleaner", is bursting daily with bright Lite sending pulsations throughout our solar system and milky way—stretching forth like a "cosmic lotus blossom" whose roots are deeply planted in darkness.

The metaphor of a "lotus" is used here because the roots of this flower are deeply entrenched below the dark muddy waters of our planet'due south various ponds, and its cute petals stretch forth up on the waters every bit the Sunday beams down each forenoon.

Spiritually, it represents how humans can ascend to high levels of consciousness equally LIGHT—HIGHER Knowledge—is gained.

"Sagittarius A" can be analyzed in this same way.

Its bursting LIGHT perhaps is a bulletin to u.s. of opportunities for greater awareness as other forms of incoming LIGHT besides join in the "Divine Symphony of Low-cal".

The zodiac sign of "Sagittarius" is governed by the planet Jupiter (known as "Guru" in Sanskrit which translates as "Bringer of Calorie-free from darkness"). Jupiter represents EXPANSION, HIGHER KNOWLEDGE, JUSTICE, and BENEFICENCE.

These characteristics increase with its greater degrees. Let us become deeper.

In that location are a full of 30 degrees between signs. The more degrees in a sign, the stronger the characteristics of that sign tend to exist. Our galaxy's center sits at 28 degrees of "Sagittarius A".

This symbolically indicates an enormous amount of potential for powerful Lite.

During the first observances of "Sagittarius A", it seemed to produce only one bright flaring energy about every ten days. Still, in contempo decades, this has increased to one each day!

Interestingly, this increase occurred soon after a mysterious object approached "Sagittarius A" which was named "Thou-two".

What the object was is all the same either unknown or has been kept undercover.

The Sanskrit word "Sativa" is the continual expansion of galactic catholic rays that are generated within the center of every galaxy.

The ancient scriptures teach that these rays bear DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS that work to heal physical forms and plant life and for expanding consciousness.

Hither is a poesy from the ancient RIG VEDA which has been discussed previously and which is of import to repeat due to the loftier-powered cosmic forces working in this "Now": "Prevailing over everything, plasma clouds are, although silent to our human being ears, tearing roaring shriek audio—sound that permeates the offspring or forms created in the heliosphere and across."

Could it be that the ringing and singing bowl-similar sounds that many all over our planet are hearing in their ears be the sounds coming from "Sagittarius A"?

Are these the sounds, the "shrieks", of the nascency of a "New Gilded Age"?

Were these same sounds heard many hundreds of thousands of years ago in previous "Golden Ages" equally announcements, as a heralding?

Our planet is steadily ascending to a higher place in the cosmos drawing information from many sources as indicated in a higher place: solar flares, solar winds, CMEs, etc.

A source that we should perhaps pay more attention to is "Sagittarius A".

It is clear that collective humanity must increment its agreement of the errors of the past and work towards a consciousness-correction.

Many are beginning to realize this.

Many more will certainly begin to elevate as LIGHT streams in with tremendous energy which is life forcefulness.

June volition offer farther invitations or opportunities to advance in consciousness to the super-consciousness of the HIGHER Cocky/SOUL./SOURCE.

There will be stronger solar events and likewise many aspects of man folly in the political loonshit, the educational system, the traditional medical establishment, sociological programs, etc. that volition ascend for review, analysis, and transformation.

In that location will continue to be people who are attempting to agree onto old means of existence, quondam programs of control, and there will be those people who will decline to exist manipulated any longer for they will have elevated to many truths that they had earlier refused to believe.

Humanity is at a major choice point. SOURCE volition non stop sending LIGHT.

Humanity tin can come to know that the Light is from the IMPERISHABLE ONE (SOURCE) and choose to align with it or not.

The choice to align with it will balance all of the "chakras" ("wheels of LIGHT") of the planet as well as of ourselves.

The ancient teaching of "KNOW THYSELF" will be realized to be the connection to the super-consciousness of the College Self/SOUL/SOURCE which "human being-kind" has been negating in so many ways.

The term "human" is from the Sanskrit discussion "manas" which translates equally "mind" or "consciousness". The term "kind" is "type".

Thus, "homo-kind" is to take a "type of heed"—a "level of consciousness". It is non to be "male" or "female person" in the biological sense.

June'due south solar energies and other catholic forces will be a profound phase of our space/time continuum in which to make very vital choices. It is similar reaching a mid-betoken where a decision has to be made well-nigh further actions throughout this year and beyond.

It is a time to study more intently, to meditate more than often, and to pray more diligently for guidance.

It is also a time, of grade, to enjoy happy occasions with family and friends and to possibly appoint in discussions of a HIGHER sort if such discussions will not cause discord.

A proposition is to keep a special journal during the calendar month of June in which concepts and ideas are written regarding what arises based upon situations which occur in our world individually and collectively and to record the mystical experiences that may occur in meditation and prayer.

Be creative by making a colorful journal instead of purchasing a simple notebook. Encourage children to too keep a journal.

At that place tin be periodic family unit discussions on what is written about in the journals which can be springboards for farther knowledge acquisition.

Let us head into June with Hope, Faith, Dearest, and JOY. Permit us go along to employ spiritual and natural modalities for our health on all levels.

Brand the often-stated phrase of being a "calorie-free of the LIGHT" truthful and not just a mere cute proverb.

Make June the calendar month of GREATER Audio AND Calorie-free Transmission.

We will be assisted in this past the catholic forces.

Like The Golden Sun Ascending,


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