How to detangle hair matted after taking out braids

How to detangle hair matted after taking out braids?

How to detangle hair matted after taking out braids? Many women believe that detangling moisture or matted hair is fourth dimension consuming and painful to do at home, so they need to go into the salon.

Some people think that the all-time style to detangle your matted pilus is to run information technology under a hairdryer. Only, there are many other ways for you to make your time at domicile more convenient. Go on reading and see which one works for yous

The best mode to detangle your matted or braided hair is to utilise your fingers or a wide-tooth rummage without putting besides much strain on your curls.

If y'all observe tangles are a common upshot for yous, adding conditioner or applying oil to damp pilus can aid loosen the knots and make your pilus manageable again.

Use these steps to make sure the removal process goes quick and smooth. If you have some knots or tangles, endeavour this fox to get rid of them before they grow any bigger.

How To Prep Your Pilus Before Removing Your Braids

If you decide to go without braids, it'south of import to be persistent and careful when taking them out or else risk pilus breakage.

Go on Your Braids Clean

In that location are a few things you tin can do to make sure that your braids expect their all-time while they're still in also. Try to keep them as make clean equally possible past using a professional brand of oil, such every bit tea tree or peppermint.

After showering, brushing your hair with a fine-tooth comb is recommended to remove any dandruff buildup, flakes or product development.

A rat tail comb is useful when removing any blazon of buildup and can be used in betwixt the thinner strands of hair that are very difficult to remove with a toothbrush.

When washing your pilus with h2o, try using loose pressure to remove build-up. This will hydrate your hair and make information technology easier to shampoo & condition.

Then grab a wide tooth comb and gently work your hair to get rid of fibroid, expressionless ends and production buildup. You can pay attention to the scalp and exercise whatever needed whole-head trips while you're at information technology.

Washing your hair with a wide-tooth comb is a quick and easy mode to remove whatsoever backlog residuum and product evolution without hurting your natural tresses.

Using too much pressure will gradually eliminate whatsoever dirt, flakes, and grime that is in your hair. You need to have intendance of dandruff earlier you lot wash your hair, so that you don't accept any detangling issues.

Use your hands, fingers, or a wide-tooth comb to pluck expressionless hairs and pull out any knots. If information technology is still tough, use some conditioner and h2o mixture on the knots so they slip loose.

Don't be surprised if yous notice oily flakes in the shampoo and product development. Attempt not to saturate your hair or soak it.

Products that help y'all detangle your matted hair after braids

Using A Hair Conditioner

You lot tin can either put a drop of conditioner directly on the knots and tangles or you can opt for the less messy option of creating a mixture of conditioner and water in a spritz bottle and spritz your pilus with the mixture to add slip whilst you detangle.

Find a pilus conditioner that is specifically made for tangles and knots. Work it in by rubbing it with your fingers, being mindful of not pulling on the hair. This may cause tightness in the knot which can be problematic in later stages of the process.

Once yous accept detangled the bottom of the knot, then use a broad-molar comb or selection and castor your hair strands gratuitous from the tangled mess. Don't motion upwards college in the knot until it is tangle costless.

Patience is key when attempting to untangle a knot, but it volition be worth the endeavour. The conditioner volition moisturize and hydrate your hair so making the tangle easier to untangle becomes more likely than if you hadn't added any conditioner.

Echo this process with a brush that has finer teeth to ensure the knot or tangle is totally gone

Using Household Items

Sometimes knots and tangled hair will occur for reasons unknown. They may result from buildup every bit mentioned, or from something getting in the your pilus during the days or from plucking out strands of hair.

If you unfortunately have a knack for knots, in that location are means to get them complimentary. Beginning, take a couple of water ice cubes and get the knot equally cold as possible to freeze information technology.

Later the ice has been removed, you can use your fingers to break up the substance and then use a hair conditioner to become rid of any remaining lumps. Adjacent, you need a wide-molar comb for that terminal step.

Mayonnaise, peanut butter and vinegar can help you to break up grease or dirt that get into your hair or continue information technology in knots.

All you demand to exercise is get a little mayonnaise, egg, or oil and work through your hair. Rub it on and brush out whatsoever knots to allow the oils to slip into your strands. Do this while wearing a shower cap!

My favorite mode of detoxing my hair after having information technology in braids for weeks is to practise an apple cider vinegar rinse.

Here's how:

Footstep 01: Remove your braids

Step 02: In a bucket or basin, cascade 2 cups of water and 4 tablespoons of apple tree cider vinegar. This should be plenty to fill the saucepan or bowl. If it is not, arrange appropriately so that your final amount comes upwardly to exactly iv cups.

Stride 03: Add 5 drops of tea tree oil or rosemary oil to a bucket or basin and then mix the mixture together.

Footstep 04: Yous should submerge your hair into the bucket or basin so that it is completely filled with water. Ensure that no air bubbles are trapped underneath the h2o. If you need additional help, and then ask one of your colleagues to assistance you out in this step.

Step 05: Information technology is important to soften hard build-upwardly that has disordered hair. For this purpose, you can use water for up to iii minutes.

Pro Tip: Y'all can get out your pilus to soak for longer if yous have stubborn knots and tangles, just ensure that you do not exceed viii minutes.

Delight also rinse out your pilus with cool h2o after getting the apple tree cider vinegar out to get rid of whatsoever build-up or residual. Then endeavor rinsing twice, if necessary.


In this article i have explained How to detangle hair matted later on taking out braids?

The process of detangling hair after braiding is not an like shooting fish in a barrel one. It's non but about the braids, it'southward about the hair as well.

This is because some people have curly or kinky hair and it's more difficult to manage when you accept out the braids. For these people, a broad-tooth rummage is a must-accept tool in their kit.