
How To Order A Drink In Spanish

Regardless of where you are in the world, there is one universal morning ritual that spans borders and cultures: drinking java.

But how exercise you order a coffee in Spanish? Are there certain phrases y'all need to know? What about ordering (or drinking) etiquette?

Today, nosotros're going to teach you everything you demand to know nearly ordering java — and other popular drinks — in Castilian.

We'll also introduce y'all to the coffee shop etiquette in United mexican states, show you how to greet your server and go the card, how to social club your drink and inquire for culling milk options if needed, how to ask about Wi-Fi, and finally, how to go the bank check and pay.

Ordering a Coffee in Spanish

In Mexico, as in about countries, there are different styles of coffee shops. Sometimes they have a bar where you tin can order, become your drink, and pay. After this, you decide if you desire to sit down or not.

Most of the coffee shops here accept tables and servers so you can go far, sit down down, and they'll bring you the carte. Then, you lot can order at the tabular array (and pay at the tabular array when you're washed) — only like you would at a typical American restaurant.

Regardless of the buffet or coffee shop you visit, in that location are some standard phrases you'll want to be familiar with. Hither are some examples for greeting your barista to assist you get started:

  • Buenos Dias: Good morning

  • Buenas Tardes: Good afternoon

  • Buenas Noches: Practiced evening

  • Si, gracias: Yes, thanks

  • Claro que sí: Sure matter / Of form

  • La Carta / El Menú: The bill of fare

(Note: Carta and Menú both mean the exact aforementioned affair and are both commonly used throughout Spanish-speaking countries. It'south upward to you lot or the coffee shop what y'all should use.)

  • Tengo una pregunta: I have a question

  • ¿Tienes alguna leche vegetal?: Do you have any institute-based milk?

Types of milk:

  • Entera: Whole

  • Light / Baja en grasa: Calorie-free

  • Deslactosada: Lactose-free

Alternative milk options are:

  • Soya: Soy

  • Almendra: Almond

  • Coco: Coconut

  • Avena: Oat

Some more phrases that can be helpful when ordering drinks:

  • ¿Me lo puedes hacer con leche de almendras?: Can you make information technology with almond milk?

  • Caliente, por favor: Hot, please.

  • Y sería todo por ahora: And that would be all for at present.

  • Déjame el menú por si se me antoja algo más: Exit the menu here in case I feel similar having something else.

  • ¿Me traes…, por favor?: Can you delight bring me…?)

  • ¿Me traes un café americano?: Tin yous bring me a blackness coffee?

Note: In some coffee shops, an Americano is a shot of espresso with actress hot water. In other places, it'south just coffee grounds brewed in a regular coffee auto.

  • ¿Te encargo un capuchino?: Tin I get a cappuccino?

  • ¿Te encargo un shot de expreso?: Tin can I get a shot of espresso?

Annotation: Expreso and Espreso are both commonly used all around the world in Spanish. Both of them are right, just according to the Spanish Regal Academy, Expreso is the 1 we should be using.

  • ¿Te encargo un common cold brew, por favor?: Tin can I get a cold brew, please?

  • ¿La tisana la puedes hacer fria?: Tin the herbal tea be made cold?

  • ¿Te encargo una de fresa y kiwi?: Can I get a strawberry-kiwi one?

  • ¿Gusta...?: Would you lot like...?

  • Agregar: To add together / To put

  • Miel: Honey

  • Sin miel, gracias: Without honey, thanks.

One common phrase you may hear in Mexico is "Te encargo..." which you lot can interpret as "Can I put y'all in charge of bringing… to me?" This is a mutual stand-in for ,  "Can I get...?"

While "Te encargo..." is a very common phrase used for ordering drinks and all over Mexico, it might not be mutual in other countries. People volition understand you if you decide to utilise it somewhere else, but if yous don't hear anyone else use this phrase you can e'er apply "Me traes…" (Can you lot bring me…?) Or "Me das..." (Can you give me…?)

In Mexico not many people use the plainly "Quiero..." (I want...) Information technology sounds a little flake besides direct, which some people might interpret as rude. Mexicans by and large aren't very direct; they similar to saccharide coat phrases and make them more polite. And so these phrases aren't as common for that reason.

At present, one common reason people visit a cafe is to work or hang out. For that, you may demand Wi-Fi — especially if you're traveling and desire to browse the cyberspace and social media while you enjoy your coffee. Here's how to ask if they have Wi-Fi:

  • Disculpa, ¿tienen wifi? (Excuse me, practise you have Wi-Fi?)

In Castilian, it is common for the staff to respond with:

  • Ahorita te traigo la contraseña: I'll bring yous the password right away.

  • Esta en el menu: It'due south [written] on the menu.

Or they may as well but tell y'all the proper noun of the network and the password right away.

Something worth mentioning is that here in Mexico, about people say, "wifi" as in /Why-fi/. Yous can also ask if they accept "internet inalambrico" (wireless net) or "La contraseña del cyberspace" (the internet password).

Getting the Check and Paying in Spanish

Here are some phrases you tin use when you're ready to inquire for the check:

  • ¿Te encargo la cuenta?: Would you bring me the check?

  • Disculpa, ¿aceptas tarjetas?: Excuse me, do you have [credit/debit] cards?

These are some words and phrases you will demand to know regarding tipping at a eatery in Castilian:

  • El Servicio / La propina: The tip

  • ¿Cuenta cerrada o gusta agregar propina?: Practise you want to close the nib or add a tip?

  • ¿Me puedes poner el 15% de propina, por favor?: Can you delight add a 15% tip?

In many places in Mexico, when you're paying by card they'll bring you the terminal and process the whole transaction at your table. This is for security reasons and for you lot to keep an eye on your carte du jour. You can also request for them to bring it to y'all and exercise the whole transaction at your table. Simply say "Voy a pagar con tarjeta, ¿me puedes traer la terminal, por favor?" (I'm going to be paying by card, can you lot please bring the final?

In some other establishments, if you lot're paying by card they'll ask you to go to the cash register and pay using your card at that place. They may say something similar "¿Puede pasar a pagar en la caja, por favor?" (Would you lot please pay at the cash register?)


Coffee shops are a great place to sample local life and do your Spanish while traveling. Check out our essential Spanish phrases all travelers should know to assist y'all comfortably experience whatsoever Spanish-speaking country and get about life but like the locals!

And if you're really serious nearly learning Spanish, definitely check out our Spanish Immersion Retreat opportunities to take your Spanish to the next level.


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